Automate your Debt Collection down to a click with our Debt Management Software
Chasing outstanding debtors is a wasted use of resources, we all agree on that. Cash Manager provides an automated way of sending overdue reminders and upcoming reminders to customers to assist with the debt collection process. With the ability to configure 4 different email layouts and messages depending on the age of the debt, Cash Manager can analyse the oldest outstanding invoice for each customer and send the appropriate email to each customer with the click of the button. In addition to this you can also send friendly upcoming reminders of invoices that are coming due.
You can record notes against Individual invoices or groups of invoices, set revised due dates, and gather statistical information on customer like the average days to pay.
Cash Manager also comes with the ability to generate 12 month cashflow forecasts and 30 day forecasts based on current system information.
To Improve your cashflow and debtors collection let us demonstrate Cash Manager
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