The Sage Intacct Release 2-2021 has arrived
Laura James
May 12, 2021
11:20 am
Sage Intacct 2021 release 2 is coming out this weekend, May 21st. Here is our overview of what you can expect from the main new features or enhancements.

Improvements to Remittance Advices
The full address & ABN of the location or entity’s contact information prints automatically on Supplier Remittance to provide more information to suppliers. Further changes are still coming for the remittance, for improved layout and more control over how the form displays.
Supplier bank file details are now available for custom reports
Previously, supplier bank details were locked down and could not be accessed or exported en mass. They are now available to be exported or viewed via the custom report writer. When you want to verify that your supplier bank details are correct, you can list them all in a custom report. We can help you understand how to do this.
Introducing three-way match (Early Adopters Only)
This new feature is an end-to-end solution for the purchasing cycle: It matches the invoice, the purchase order, and the receipt to validate the details of a purchase before making a payment. When you use three-way match, the quantities and unit prices that appear on the three transactions are automatically compared.
This new feature is available for customers through an Early Adopter program only, but will be released to all clients in the coming release).
Generate reapproval if subtotals change
Previously, only changes to line item amount triggered reapproval of an approved purchasing transaction. Now, you can configure the reapproval workflow when the subtotal amounts change.
GL Outlier Detection full coverage
Now GL Outlier Detection capability is available to GL Approvers on GL Journals. It’s been extended to all transaction lines. Journal lines outside the historical norm from a coding or amount perspective are displayed as outliers. Note that you need to enable this functionality.
As with all updates, Release 2 is automatic.
Please contact us if you need any training or help with it by clicking on the button below. One of the PBT team will be in contact with you as soon as possible.
Enhancements on the Accounts receivable report to make your experience better and your life easier.
1. Drill down to customer details directly from Aging Report: Now can view the customer information without having to leave the current page.
2. AR ledger report filtering: Now when you filter by child locations within an entity, line items tagged to other child locations are omitted from the report.
3. Better handling of external credits in AR ledger report: Now external credits appear in the appropriate period, and the ending balance of that AP ledger period matches the beginning balance of the next period.
4. Corrected drill down to advances in AR ledger report: Previously, when you clicked on Advance to drill down for more information from the AR ledger report, it would take you to the payment summary associated with the Advance. Now, you go directly to the posted advance record to view all the details for that Advance.
Enhancements to the General Ledger > Reports > Dimension Balances Report
You already know that the General Ledger Standard Report Dimension Balances provides a trial balance-like view of the dimensions and accounts you select without having to build a financial statement. With Release 2 you can now have options that provide period activity for the budget and a budget vs. actual comparison easily within a standard report.
New options for financial report columns
When you select credit card transactions as billable to a project, those transactions now flow directly to project invoicing.
Changes to Rounding
The format of rounding selection in both financial reports and financial graphs has changed from dollars to whole numbers. This indicates that the selection will disregard anything after the decimal mark, regardless of the currency.
The idea of these improvements is to make it clear for those areas that don’t use dollars.